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On the 5th anniversary of China's "Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan"

Updated: Dec 11, 2018

中国《大气污染防治行动计划》五周年记 (中英文)

Five years ago, air pollution became the buzzword in China. The Chinese government promulgated the "Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan" on September 10, 2013, known as the "Ten Articles on Air Quality (English version)".

The objectives set out in the “Ten Articles on Air Quality” are as follows:

"After five years’ efforts, the overall national air quality shall be improved. Heavily polluted days shall be reduced dramatically. Regional air quality in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta will be turned better. Through another five years’ or even longer efforts, heavily polluted days shall gradually be eliminated and the national air quality shall be improved significantly."

At the same time, “Ten Articles on Air Quality” puts forward more specific targets:

“By 2017, the urban concentration of Particulate Matters (PM10) shall decrease by 10% compared with 2012; annual number of days with fairly good air quality will gradually increase. Concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta region shall respectively fall by around 25%, 20% and 15%. Fine particulate matter annual concentration in Beijing shall be controlled below 60 micrograms per cubic meter. "

"Ten Articles on Air Quality" is of great significance to China's air pollution control. It covers a wide range of topics: from coal-burning problems that cause air pollution and related “coal-to-electricity” and “coal-to-gas” projects, to national energy structure adjustments and to promotion of renewable energy development; from policies specifically targeting industrial pollution sources such as steel mills, petroleum refinery and chemical enterprises, to the control of mobile source pollution including urban dust, urban motor vehicles and etc.; from emission management and fuel quality improvement to encouraging the development of alternative fuel vehicle; from eliminating lagging technologies or processes with high-energy consumption or result high pollution, to encouraging the development of cleantech solutions, implementation of circular economy and promotion of environmental protection sector.

The time fast forwarded to today - five years from the "Ten Articles on Air Quality" has been passed. So what is the status quo? On January 10, 2018, Greenpeace released a “ 365 cities PM2.5 Ranking”. According to data released by Greenpeace, the first phase of the “Ten Articles on Air Quality” is basically completed in 2017. (Greenpeace Air 2017 ENG report)

According to Greenpeace's survey, China's air quality has improved significantly over the past five years under the guidance of the “Ten Articles on Air Quality”. Meanwhile, the report has also pointed out that

"the national air pollution situation is still grim, ozone pollution and air pollution problems in non-Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region are highlighted."

To be specific, there is still no city in China that meets the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended PM2.5 guideline, which is 10 µg/m3 annual mean. By the end of 2017, there were only 107 of the 338 prefecture-level(地级市) or above cities in China that have reached the WHO of 35 μg/m3 in transition phase.

In this context, on the occasion of the expiration of the “Ten Articles on Air Quality” five-year plan, the State Council of China promulgated the “Three-year plan on defending the blue sky” (“Three-Year Plan”) in July 2018. The plan continues the direction of the “Ten Articles on Air Quality” and going further on setting more specific guidelines for China's air pollution control from 2018 to 2020. The specific targets are:

“By 2020, the total emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will be reduced by more than 15% compared to 2015; to decrease the concentration of PM2.5 in prefecture-level or above cities by 18% compared with 2015; to increase the number of good air quality days in the prefecture-level cities and above to 80 percent by 2020; to decrease the ratio of severe or above air-pollution days by more than 25% from 2015."

With the promulgation of the “three-year plan” of the Chinese government, most of the provinces have successively introduced the provincial air-pollution control implementation plan. In addition to the previous ones, 7 other provinces issued its own implementation programs in October, 2018, including:

Anhui Province (October 9), Guizhou Province (October 11), Shaanxi Province (October 12), and Liaoning Province (October 13). Zhejiang Province (October 16th), Jiangsu Province (October 17th), and Gansu Province (October 21st).

We look forward to more blue sky over Chinese cities on by 2020.


“经过五年努力,全国空气质量总体改善,重污染天气较大幅度减少;京津冀、长三角、珠三角等区域空气质量明显好转。力争再用五年或更长时间,逐步消除重污染天气,全国空气质量明显改善。” 同时,“大气十条”提出了更加具体目标:“到2017年,全国地级及以上城市可吸入颗粒物浓度比2012年下降10%以上,优良天数逐年提高;京津冀、长三角、珠三角等区域细颗粒物浓度分别下降25%、20%、15%左右,其中北京市细颗粒物年均浓度控制在60微克/立方米左右。”




在这样一个背景下,在“大气十条”五年计划届满之际,中国国务院于2018年6月颁布了《打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划》(“三年计划”) 。“三年计划”延续了“大气十条”制定的方向,为中国在2018~2020年的空气污染治理以及相关行业的发展制定了具体的指引。“三年计划”提出的具体目标是:“到2020年,二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放总量分别比2015年下降15%以上;PM2.5未达标地级及以上城市浓度比2015年下降18%以上,地级及以上城市空气质量优良天数比率达到80%,重度及以上污染天数比率比2015年下降25%以上。”




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